Belgien - Deutschland 0 : 6 (0:5) |
The second half wasn't as thrilling as the first. But it was a well deserved win for the German team. |
70' |
Weißenborns flick is to high... |
70' |
a last PC for Germany |
68' |
another good pass from C. Zeller across the goal. Weißenborn misses the deflection. |
66' |
Germany is pressing. They have good chances for another goal. |
64' |
van Rysselberghe stoppes Weißenborn on the left side of the circle. |
61' |
great dribbling by C. Zeller. Nevado misses the chance at the right post. |
57' |
Zellers flick, but easy save for van Rysselberghe |
56' |
PC No.8 for Germany |
55' |
Witte with a good pass for C. Zeller. His deflection directly in front of the goal goes metres wide to the left. |
54' |
0:6 |
freehit from Montag on the left side. Moritz Fürste deflects the ball in the goal. |
54' |
good chance for Vandeweghe, but he can't make it against Bubolz. |
53' |
flick is saved, B. Weß hits the rebound five metres over the crossbar. |
52' |
7th German PC now |
49' |
The German team lost its concentration a bit. Weise wants them to play more simple again. |
47' |
Witthaus misses a backhandshot three metres right beside the Belgian goal. |
43' |
Max Müller is injured. He has to leave the pitch. |
43' |
great run by Nevado. C. Zeller misses the right upper corner with his shot by centimetres. |
41' |
Belgium struggles to reach the German circle, but up to now Germany is more dangerous. |
35' |
second half started |
a high speed match from the German team. Belgium only two times in the German circle. The World Champions are performing absolutely dominant. |
halftime. |
35' |
Van Rysselberghe stopped Fürste at the left post. |
32' |
0:5 |
attack over the right side. Benny Wess with a pass for Philip Witte. He deflects the ball in the goal. |
30' |
second Belgian chance. Loic Vandeweghe with a flat shot from the right side, but wide to the left. |
28' |
0:4 |
phantastic attack by the German team. Witte with a good run over the right side. Meinert deflects the ball in the goal. |
26' |
Germany all the time in the Belgian half. They are clearly dominant. |
23' |
flat shot from C. Zeller. Van Ruesselberghe saves it. |
21' |
flick to the middle by C. Zeller is saved |
20' |
next PC for Germany |
19' |
Montags flick ist saved by van Rysselberghe. |
18' |
fifth PC for Germany. |
16' |
good run from Müller over the left side. Stopped on the left post. |
15' |
shot by Draguhn. Saved. |
13' |
0:3 |
attack through the middle. The shot from Benjamin Wess is deflected - no chance for the Belgian keeper. |
9' |
first chance for Vandeweghe. He misses a pass at the left post. |
8' |
Montag flicks the ball over the crossbar |
7' |
4th PC Germany. |
7' |
0:2 |
again Germany in the circle. Witthaus with a volley from six metres for the 2-0. |
6' |
third PC Germany. double pass C. Zellers ball goes wide to the right. |
5' |
flat flick, save by a defender, Philipp Zellers flick hits the left post. |
4' |
next PC Germany |
4' |
0:1 |
conversion to Timo Wess on the left. He flicks the ball high in the right upper corner. |
4' |
first PC Germany |
4' |
Germany all the time in the Belgian half. Pass by Fürste, Christopher Zeller is missing the ball in front of the goal. |
3' |
Germany is playing without Christian Schulte and Justus Scharowsky. Belgium without Gilles Petre and Philippe Goldberg. |
2' |
Umpires are Juan Requena (ESP) and Hamish Jamson (ENG). |
0' |
match started |
Welcome to the second match of the day between Germany and Belgium |