Argentina - Germany 2 : 0 (0:0) |
The match is ended. The score is ARG 2:0 GER. Congratulation ARG is the winner of the 4-Nations Tournament. |
GER shot on goal but missed... |
68' |
shot on goal by GER but saved by ARG goalie... |
68' |
GER pass into the circle but missed...short corner GER... |
67' |
GER shot on goal but missed the shot... |
66' |
free hit GER... |
65' |
GER pass into the circle but missed...long corner GER... |
65' |
couter attack GER... |
64' |
free hit ARG... |
64' |
field flick ARG... |
63' |
cought by ARG... |
63' |
attack by ARG...long corner ARG...couter attack by GER...but missed the shot... |
62' |
free hit GER... |
62' |
Arg build up from the back... |
61' |
2:0 |
by Merino, Delfina Nr. 12 (ARG).... |
60' |
shot on goal... |
60' |
attack by ARG...short corner ARG... |
59' |
ARG build up from the back... |
55' |
GER attack...long corner GER... |
55' |
green card for GER... |
55' |
cought by ARG player...couter attack by hit... |
54' |
free hit GER... |
54' |
field flick hit ARG... |
54' |
GER attack...pass into the circle and missed... |
54' |
free hit GER... |
54' |
free hit ARG... |
53' |
GER build up from the back...couter attack ARG... |
52' |
long corner by hit GER.... |
52' |
field flick ARG... |
52' |
1:0 |
by Rebecchi, Carla Nr.11 (ARG) |
51' |
GER buld up from the back....couter attack ARG... |
51' |
free hit GER.... |
50' |
free hit ARG.... |
46' |
ARG is pressuring again.... |
45' |
GER attack...but missed the hit ARG... |
45' |
shot on Goal by ARG but saved by GER goalie... |
44' |
long corner again... |
44' |
long corner ARG... |
44' |
cought by GER... |
43' |
long corner ARG... |
43' |
GER build up from the back.... |
43' |
ARG build up from the back...attack by ARG...pass into the circle but missed.... |
42' |
free hit GER... |
42' |
free hit ARG... |
42' |
attack by ARG...pass into the circle and missed...long corner ARG... |
41' |
free hit ARG... |
41' |
ARG is pressuring the GER player... |
41' |
free hit ARG... |
41' |
ARG build up from the back...pass into the circle but caught by hit ARG... |
40' |
shot on Goal by ARG. but saved by GER goalie...long corner ARG... |
39' |
short corner ARG... |
39' |
attack by ARG.. |
39' |
build up game by GER... |
38' |
free hit ARG.. |
38' |
attack by ARG... |
The first halftime is ended. The score is ARG 0:0 GER. Its an excited match. |
36' |
shot on Goal by GER but saved by ARG goalie... |
36' |
GER attack...pass into the circle...short corner GER... |
33' |
ARG attack but cought by GER defense... |
33' |
ARG build up from the back... |
33' |
ARG shot on goal and missed the pass... |
32' |
GER pass into thr circle but missed the pass...attack by ARG... |
32' |
GER build up from the back... |
31' |
long corner by ARG and caught by GER... |
30' |
field flick GER... |
29' |
free hit by GER at the end of the circle... |
29' |
shot on Goal by ARG but saved by GER Goalie... |
29' |
GER build up from the back... |
29' |
free hit GER... |
28' |
long corner ARG.... |
27' |
free hit ARG... |
26' |
cought by ARG... |
26' |
free hit GER... |
25' |
free hit ARG... |
25' |
couter attack by ARG... |
24' |
field flick GER... |
24' |
free hit GER... |
23' |
ARG attack... |
21' |
free hit GER... |
21' |
shot on goal by ARG but saved by GER goalie... couter attack by ARG...ARG build up from the back... |
19' |
attack by ARG...shot on goal but missed...short corner ARG... |
18' |
free hit ARG...couter attack by GER...long corner GER... |
17' |
free hit hit at the end of the circle again... |
16' |
couter attack by hit GER...pass into the circle but missed... |
15' |
free hit ARG... |
14' |
attack by hit GER... |
14' |
free hit GER... |
13' |
long corner by ARG... |
13' |
caught by ARG player...pass in the Circle and caught by GER player... |
12' |
free hit GER...GER build up from the back... |
11' |
free hit ARG... |
11' |
ARG hit GER... |
10' |
missed pass by GER... |
9' |
free hit hit ARG...GER shot on goal but saved by ARG goalie.. |
8' |
GER pass into the circle but missed... |
8' |
GER build up from the back... |
7' |
free hit GER... |
7' |
GER pass in the circcle again but hit ARG... |
7' |
GER attack hit in circle but missed the pass... |
6' |
free hit ARG... |
5' |
free hit GER... |
5' |
counter attack GER... |
5' |
long corner ARG... |
4' |
ARG build up from the back... ARG attack... |
3' |
free hit GER... |
3' |
free hit again... |
3' |
free hit ARG... |
3' |
couter attack ARG... |
3' |
free hit ARG... |
2' |
attack GER... |
2' |
kick off ARG... |
The umpires in the match ARG : GER are Seymour, Kylie (AUS) and Kim, Jung He (KOR). |
Hello and Welcome to the last game at the 4-Nations Tournamet at Berlin Zehlendorf. The temperature is 61 F cloudy and a little bit cold. We hope you enjoy it. |