HC 'Hertogenbosch - Atasport 4 : 0 (3:0) |
Next Match is at 5 pm. Olten plays against Volga Telekom. |
HC 'Hertogenbosch beats Atasport 4:0 |
70' |
Last oppurtiunity for Ata: Free hit at the top of the circle for Ata, pass for Ji Eun KHUDIYEVA but she can´t manages to hit the ball into circle. |
66' |
Young Soon PIRSAATOVA dragflicks but it goes wide off the goal. |
66' |
Penalty corner is awarded to Ata |
65' |
Ji Eun KHUDIYEVA (Ata) counterattacks and makes a run down the middle and passes towards the circle for M. MAMMADOVA but she is unable to get the ball. |
61' |
Ata changed the goalkeeper, too. H. ISMAYILOVA for V.SHAHBAZOVA. |
57' |
Den Bosch changed his goalkeeper. Ilse Brok for Lizzy Koeton. |
55' |
4:0 |
Maartje PAUMEN dragflick and managed to beat the goalkeeper. |
54' |
Den Bosch win a penalty corner |
52' |
Game underway |
52' |
Third quater ended |
48' |
Ata counterattack: M. MAMMADOVA makes a run down the right into the cricle but she can´t beats the Den Bosch goalkeeper. |
40' |
Den Bosch win a penalty corner. Maartje PAUMEN (Den Bosch) dragflicks again but the Ata goalkeeper makes a great reflex save. Long corner for Den Bosch. |
36' |
Maartje PAUMEN (Den Bosch) dragflicks but missed the goal. |
35' |
Penalty corner for Den Bosch |
35' |
Game underway. |
To sum up the parts you missed: Den Bosch had two penalty corners but missed the goal twice. Ata had one but missed the goal, too. Both teams got one green card. The teams are in huddles and the third quater is going to start in a second. |
Sorry!! We had a big problem with the internet conection. |
Sorry!! We had a big problem with the internet conection. |
23' |
3:0 |
Maartje Paumen dragflicks and manages to beat the Ata goalkeeper. |
22' |
Penalty corner for Den Bosch. |
22' |
Janneke SCHOPMAN flicks on the goal but the goalkeeper makes a great reflex save. |
18' |
Game underway |
18' |
To sum up the first quater: Den Bosch put Ata under pressure. Ata is comming slowly into the game. |
14' |
Ji Eun KHUDIYEVA (Ata)makes a run but she is tackled by the Den Bosch defense. |
11' |
2:0 |
A great pass across the circle for Vera VORSTENBOSCH (Den Bosch) shot the ball into the goal. |
7' |
1:0 |
Maartje PAUMEN dragflicks and beats the Ata goalkeper. |
6' |
penalty corner for Den Bosch. |
5' |
Emilie MOL makes a run down the left and passes towards the circle for Lieke HULSEN but she missed the goal wide. |
2' |
Ata goalkeeper makes a great save |
2' |
Den Bosch wins a penalty corner. |
1' |
Atasport opened the game. |
Welcome to match two on day one. The match will be umpired by Annabelle Willox and Tatyana Kaltypan. |