Olton & West Warwicks - Volga Telekom 1 : 0 (0:0) |
The next match is at 7 pm. Berliner HC plays Sumchanka. This LIVE-TICKER will be in German, because there is a German Club playing. But in every break there is a sumary English. |
Olton beat Volga in last minutes. |
70' |
Last oppurtinuty for Volga to equalize: Long pass from the defense but there is no taker in the Olton circle. |
69' |
Only one minute left for Volga to shot the equalizer or for Olton to seal the victory. |
67' |
Volga tries hard for the equalizer |
66' |
1:0 |
Denise MARSTON-SMITH flicks after skillful play into the goal |
65' |
Lucilla PARKES makes a great run down the middle into and passes into the circle. But the Volga defense is ready for the attack. |
60' |
It is getting colder and colder. because the sun is sinking. |
54' |
Olton missed the goal by a fraction |
54' |
Penalty corner for Olton |
52' |
The last quater already started. |
If you want to get a bit more information you can read the report which is online about a hour after the match. |
To sum up the parts you missed: Both teams don´t managed to shot a goal. But there are more chances for both teams. The Third quater ended now. |
51' |
The internet connection will be better on tomorrow. |
50' |
We have to say sorry again!! |
29' |
Denise MARSTON-SMITH (Olton) makes a run down the´right and passes towards the circle for Emma MCCABE but missed the goal. |
27' |
No goal. |
25' |
Penalty corner for Volga. |
22' |
Naomi JAMES passes towards the circle but there are no takers. |
18' |
Penalty corner for Olton. |
17' |
Game underway |
17' |
Olga SHENTSOVA counterattacks, makes a run down the right and want to hit the ball, but time is over. |
15' |
A great pass for M. CHEGURDAEVA (Volga) into the circle but she missed the goal. |
11' |
Lucilla PARKES flicks but missed the goal wide. |
10' |
Sorry my partner told me the wrong!!! Penalty corner for Olton. |
9' |
Penalty corner for Volga. |
8' |
This is the first match where the LIVE-TICKER-team is sitting in the sun. The matches before it was realy cold, but now we put our coats off. |
1' |
Match underway |
The match will be umpired by Michelle MEISTER (GER) and Victoria DEL OMO (ESP). |
Welcome to the third match of this day! Olton & West WArwicks take on Volga Telekom. |