Bowdon Hightown - HC 'Hertogenbosch 0 : 5 (0:2) |
Next match is at 2.30 pm. |
Den Bosch won that match 5:0. |
67' |
Maartje PAUMEN (Den Bosch) shot on goal but missed it. |
63' |
0:5 |
Sally WALTON had a turnover and Den Bosch counterattacks, great pass for Nienke KREMERS she backhandstrokes the ball into the goal. |
59' |
Maartje PAUMEN (Den Bosch) dragflicks but it is saved great on the line. |
58' |
Penalty corner for Den Bosch |
57' |
Maartje PAUMEN (Den Bosch) missed the goal. |
56' |
Den Bosch win a penalty corner. |
53' |
Game underway. |
53' |
The third quarter ended. |
53' |
J. SCHOPMAN dragflicks but missed the goal. |
53' |
Time is over but the other umpire say there was a Bowdon foot in the circle so penalty corner for Den Bosch |
52' |
Another penalty corner for Den Bosch |
48' |
Lizzie TOTTEN (Bowdon) makes a run down the left but Nienke KREMERS saved well. |
47' |
Lidewij WELTEN (Den Bosch) makes a great run down the middle straight into the circle but missed the goal. |
43' |
J. SCHOPPMANN dragflicks but missed the goal wide. |
43' |
Den Bosch win a penalty corner |
43' |
0:4 |
Great pass for Lieke HULSEN and she managed to beat the goalkeeper. |
41' |
0:3 |
Emilie MOL (Den Bosch) get the ball into the crcle but canīt beat the goalkeeper secnd shot gets into the goal. |
38' |
Den Bosch canīt controll the ball, counterattack. Bowdon is unable to get into the circle of Den Bosch. |
36' |
Penalty corner for Den Bosch |
36' |
Game underay |
Half time. |
34' |
A great pass across the goal for Lidewij WELTEN (Den Bosch) but she canīt beat the Bowdon goalkeeper. |
32' |
Lizzie TOTTEN makes a good run down the middle sraight into the circle but she missed the goal by a fraction. |
32' |
Lizzie TOTTEN |
31' |
Marlos KEETELS (Den Bosch) counterattacks after some skillful play but she canīt controll the ball anymore. |
28' |
Bowdon come into game now. They managed to do attacks. |
25' |
Maartje PAUMEN hit the ball to high into the goal, no goal. |
24' |
penalty corner for Den Bosch |
24' |
J. SCHOPMAN (Den Bosch) makes a great run into the circle but she canīt beat the goalkeeper. |
23' |
Den Bosch is unable to controll the bal, J. SCHOPMAN hit the bal out of target. |
22' |
Den Bosch win a penalty corner |
21' |
Lidewij WELTEN (Den Bosch) makes a run down the left straight into the circle and passes across the goal but goalkeeper Kirsty MACKAY (BOWDON) saved well. |
18' |
Second quater underway. |
18' |
0:2 |
Another penalty corner was dragflicked by Maartje PAUMEN (Den Bosch) into the goal. |
18' |
0:1 |
Maartje PAUMEN dragflicked a penalty corner into the goal. |
18' |
Sorry!!! We had no internet conection. |
3' |
Den Bosch keep pressing into the circle of Bowdon and there's the first penalty corner |
1' |
Match underway |
The second game of this day is between Bowdon and Den Bosch |